Sunday, March 10, 2013

Once again.

Well, once again I'm so far behind. I just can't seem to find enough time in the day to accomplish any extra stuff! Aniston is 18 months now and a wild child. I graduated nursing school in December and I'm working now and love it. Chris and I eloped to Gatlinburg in December and we are expecting baby #2 in September!!! I downloaded the blogger app to my phone so maybe I'll post more now! I added a few pictures to go along with the details!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

horrible start

well I'm pretty sure the day after I posted my first blog we lost the internet connection we were stealing borrowing but now we are back up and running! A couple of life changing things has happened since my first post. The biggest most life changing thing that happened is my darling sweet Aniston was born on Sept 26 at 2:05 pm. She was 7 lbs and 6 oz and 22 1/2 in long! I want to share her birth story to have for her to read one day but that will be another day. Pictures to come:) She is amazing. the end. Its amazing how your life changes when a baby comes along. Missing sleep no longer bothers me, poo poo, tee tee and boogers don't gross me out anymore (well just hers). I never knew I could worry about something as much as I constantly worry about her, the pressure of doing everything right by her is super intense but totally worth it! I'm gonna have to play catch up over the next couple of weeks with her monthly updates since she is now almost 3 months which is just crazy to think! Another life changing thing that happened is I was accepted into nursing school! I'll start in January and I have very mixed emotions about it. I am super excited because becoming a nurse is a huge dream for me but its a year long program which means lots of time away from Aniston but once I become a nurse I can provide the life I want for her so everything will work out. I know my two posts so far have been extremely wordy...don't worry, pictures will be coming soon!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Giving in....

Due to my recent obsession with reading blogs, I have finally decided to write my own. I wouldn't say my life is quite as exciting as others I have been reading about but since I am really only doing this for myself, my unborn child, and my family and friends I know details of my normal life will do just fine and if a stranger happens to read my blog, well I just hope you aren't too bored:)

The main two reasons I am starting this blog are 1. So that when there is no longer a little person inside me and I can start running and throwing weights around again I can use this for accountability and 2. So that when September something rolls around and Ms. Aniston Kate finally arrives I can write about her and all the happiness she will be bringing to mine and her daddy's life. 

Just a few details...I am 23 years old. I have lived in Mississippi pretty much my whole life. I am the oldest of 4 and I adore my siblings. I have more aunts, uncles, and cousins than one can count and I love them all:) My mom is my best friend.  She is my mom and dad and I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for her. I have some serious daddy issues but I won't bore you with those details. I have an awesome mom and that is all that matters. I have the most amazing friends a girl could ask for, more about them to come. Two years ago in October I met a awesome guy, we are still going strong today and come September we will have us a little girl. Not to be sappy but I think he is the one:) 

That's all for now. More to come. ~Lindsay